Source Code

no-way-out talker

A no-way-out talker is one who sparks up a random conversation, and talks endlessly regardless of your interest or obvious impatience. This person talks non-stop about anything and everything and asks a lot of questions to trap you. A no-way-out talker can be a total stranger you happen to meet in a common area, such as a shared laundry room, or a co-worker. This person makes it extremely difficult to end a conversation.

No-way-out talker: Hello there! Oh laundry's always fun on a Tuesday night. I'm new to the building. I'm a customer service rep but looking to get into something creative. What do you do? What is your name? I like Burrito Beach. I eat there about three times a week. I think it's always so fresh and delicious. My cat likes it too. How about you? How long have you lived here? Do you have any pets?

by hopskipjump June 10, 2011

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Trash talker

A man in which talks to the trash because he is bored.

The mom took her kid away from the trash talker.

by Hdhsbsbshs November 25, 2017

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Unaware Dick Talker

Unaware Dick Talker (UDT) refers to a person who comes across as a jerk when talking but does not realize and is not trying to be mean.

For example, they'll be giving advice while you two are playing a sport, but the way they phrase what they say and the tone of their voice makes you feel like shit even though they mean well.

Another example is when you make a comment in class and then they follow-up on your comment by saying they fundamentally disagree with you. Instead of respectfully disagreeing, their phrasing and tone makes then come off as a total and utter dick.

They are usually condescending and think they know everything and their opinion is superior; however, they are unaware that they come across as a dick and should not be confused with actual dicks.

John is such an unaware dick talker. I'm scared to give my presentation tomorrow because I know he will talk about how he disagrees with me in a very mean manor.

by Kentviknesh April 28, 2021


some one who talks about rubbish things that arnt actually true

The person who put that definition is a sh*t-talker.

by lianne March 14, 2005

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renouned shit talker

A person who's known for talking shit

Jayquan: Hey man did you talk to Jameson about that snicth problem we've been having with him?
Jaqez: Nah man that niggas a renouned shit talker.


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Stupid bullshit talker/walker

Some one who talks complete and utter shit all the time and wear shit. (e.g trackies and a dinner jacket). They often come out with stupid remarks that shows that they are clearly a prick.

Stupid bullshit talker/walker: I hate it when people say there going to shag your mum and don't

Person A: Fuck off you stupid prick bitch.

by mong boy June 22, 2007

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late night talker guy

The guy who a girl tells her problems in the depth of the night and who will never be together because that man is officially in the friend-zone.

Guy 1: I talked to her until 2am
Guy 2: you're totally late night talker guy

by jackofoso December 21, 2011

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