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screw, nut, and bolt

Pump and dump; wham-bam-thank-you-mam; having sex with a woman, orgasming, and then leaving her directly thereafter.

Tomi Lahren is a woman whom men just want to screw, nut, and bolt.

by djbaba October 31, 2020

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shoot your bolt

to ejaculate violently

i shot my bolt all over the place

by ali barber September 25, 2003

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Jewish Lightning Bolt

When a man of jewish descent, ukrainian bitch slaps a dick, making it ejaculate in a striking, lightning bolt position.

You ever had a Jewish Lightning Bolt? Mine shot to the ceiling!

by BigDickSamantha December 13, 2016

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soggy lightning bolt

male ejaculate, from the zig zag pattern ejaculate takes, once it leaves the penis

"this girl she was goin down on me,
she was really good so i hit her with a thunderstorm of soggy lightning bolts

by bigEnotorEus, C-bizzle November 17, 2003

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bolt out of the brown

1) A completely out-of-context shitty thing to do or say, especially from an unexpected source. From the elderly phrase "bolt out of the blue", but modified with skidmarks for flavor.

2) (driving) Some asshole coming from out of nowhere to bust your chops (cut you off, tailgate and honk, etc.)

1) Our night out was pretty bangin' until Chess Club Bill dropped that ear-splitting N-bomb at the bar. What a bolt out of the brown!

2) Jesus! Where did this pissed-off horn-addicted Excursion-driving dickhead getting all up my tailpipe materialize from? This fat bastard was a bolt out of the brown!

by The Evil Steve June 2, 2007

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bolt ya steamer

get out of here you fucking halfwit storytelling drunken bum!

bullshitter: I've built a plane rode a fish and shagged a pony!
level headed gent, (from Glasgow) Fuckin Bolt Ya Steamer!

by vamplock February 4, 2016

Dick n' Bolt

When one puts one's penis in an open chamber of AR or any weapon system with a bolt carrier and slams the bolt home with one's penis in it.
(Originally a Gru meme)

(Gru meme)



slam bolt home with dick in it?


Person A: Hey guys? Dare me to do a DICK N'BOLT with my AR?

Person B: YEAH DICK N' BOLT!!!!

by KABAR April 30, 2021