C/S... means "no backies"... when someone signs with con safos it means that whatever point has been made has been symbolically protected from backlashing and comebacks. Usually used by Chicanos to avoid the senseless situation of being challenged on something he/she truly believes in... Con safos!
El Pelon: Yo man, let's tag up this crazy mural!
Chango: Nel man, we can't. It has Con Safos (C/S). If you write on it you will be offending yourself!
El Pelon: Ah man! Well then let's go find some Minutemen to beat up!
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Itβs a saw convention that includes saws all aroud the world
Person: hey man, you wanna go to saw con this year?
Person 2: yea man letβs go to saw con, I heard that they even sell high quality saws there
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A combination of a family reunion, summer camp, and a three day long non-stop party (Booze and Babes included) held at Montgomery Bell State Park (Site of the Academy award winning movie Ernest Goes to Camp) outside of Dickson Tennessee. An overabudunce of ScienceFiction and Fantasy realted activities as well as a lazertag tournament and group skinny dipping (with food, food and more food!!!!!!!)are avalable. Held the second weekend of September Each year and noted for world famous science fiction and fantasy authors and artists in attendance. The worlds only outdoor Science Fiction convention.
Hey man? Are you going to Outside Con this year?
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Abbreviated version of Neo-Conservative. Neo-Con's represent the new face of the Republican party, and the PNAC/Zionist philosophy of premptive military action as a viable option to ensure Zionist Hegemony, particularly in the middle-east. Neo-Con's differ from Traditional Conservatives, in that their roots are in the left of the political spectrum. Former Trotskyites, who became disillusioned with the political left and joined the Republican Party during the 1980's. Neo-Con's also differ from traditional conservatives in that they favor big government and Internationalism as opposed to states rights,Isolationism and Protectionism. Neo-Con's are almost entirely pro Israel, anti Palestinian and often hold dual citizenship with both the United States and Israel.
Paul Wolfowitz is the perfect example of a Neo-Con. He holds dual citizenship with both the US and Israel, and helped to author the pre-emptive wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq.
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A neo-con that wants to appear like a small government populist by attending Tea Party Protests.
Tea-Bagger #1: Ron Paul ftw!
Tea-Bagger #2: Palin ftw!
Tea-Bagger #1: wtf? Another teo-con?
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con means the. cac means cock.
generally, con cac means "the cock"
Chi Cam's con cac can cut cute cake carefully.
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or con artist
one who makes money by fraud
Appearently, a con artist was targeting newlyweds.
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