Self confidence is when you act like Gabriel Supiciche and do things that pertain to the way the great lord Gabe acts.
"I wish I had Self-Confidence"="I wish I was like Gabe"
Playing Confidence man is when a guy willing dates or acts interested in a woman to raise her self esteem
Linda: "Wow I didn't know Rob was into Michelle"
John: "He's not, he's just playing confidence man"
A confident pair or group of individuals who's primary taste in clothing pertains to brightly coloured tracksuits. in their free time they contribute to the cancer imitating growth of their echo (what you might know as a friendship circle). Their choice in music, any modern subculture of gangsta-rap or pop-rap. They force themselves on to women, while also maintaining an illogical, self contradicting rush to the aid of a woman in need of protection from a confident male. They're often located, by day, in public parks and by night, discount stores and E-cigarette outlets. If a confident tracksuit cancer were to divide, they would, as individuals no longer be defined as a confident tracksuit cancer; Simply named a tracksuit tumour, similar to the beginning of a cancer as a tumour. while the confidence is derivative of their aforementioned echo.
lets cross the street here, so as to avoid the confident tracksuit cancer
To have zero confidence in completing a social-situation related task yourself, but have no issues doing it for another person.
Example: @ Restaurant
You: Man I could use some ranch, but I don't wanna ask...
Also you: "Oh you didn't want pickles? Don't worry I'll tell the waiter, hold on"
*After the fact*
"Damn my ketchup confidence really kicked in there, huh"
To act like your shit doesn't stick. To walk with your head high and everyone needs to earn your time.
"You want that girls attention you have to ignore her and breath confidence."
The thing Shane has that makes her get all the girls
“What does she have that I don’t have” - Dana
“She has nipple confidence.” - Alice