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A Narcissist finally comes to the realization that no matter what they do your life has purpose you love people & enjoy helping them you don't do things for attention you are well rounded & know how it would feel to calculatedly try to destroy another person's life,but you don't.
That is what separates a decent human being from someone who is weak has low moral character no conscience & a selfish way of looking at the world.A Narc never thinks long term this is why they have a string of failed relationships behind them & never take accountability for the part they played in the destruction of theirs & the partners lives,but always has a story to tell which never adds up.Learn this Narcs don't want to get old most don't want to admit their entire life is one big screw up even though most of it is their own fault like lying pretending to be at work when infact their in a hotel or some apartment indulging in oral sex since quite a lot of them aren't good in bed,but want to make you feel they're so hot.
Remember everything you is recorded somewhere if it's not where you can see it

is duly noted by Father up above. Narcs find themselves in a mess & that causes frustration

& anger,so why stay with your current partner

if you're so damn sure of what you want?
Make it make sense😬


Go out have flings sex with multiple partners

& dare to call yourself a husband or a wife.
Sorry you're nothing,but a demonic empty shell bringing misery to the people you profess so much love for.
People please run when you see these types coming 👀

by Janet21 June 6, 2024


When a narcissist is getting old they try to tie down a younger person,worse if the person proves to be intelligent independent & is happy within themselves has good friends & a family who don't judge or interfere as this is something a narc doesn't have in their life.They are empty vessels constantly looking for the worst in everyone simply cos they don't trust themselves, so everyone is judged same way

it's why every relationship marriage or not never works out with them they are the biggest losers they take money out of the household to give people they're sleeping with instead of taking care of their home.Then moan about how they don't have anything you can be with them 10 15 20yrs & the selfish fuckers can't even arrange a holiday or do something exceptional for you unless there's something in it for them.
They marry for attention on the day then talk about how their partner changed when they know it's a lie cos instead of working good hrs they spend time doing stuff meeting women & men for sex behind their partners backs instead of planning a life with the people they claim to love selfish fuckers.
One foot in the grave & still can't get it right 😬
They've excuses for everything get caught lie,but it didn't happen like that narcs loves nobody don't be fooled.One more thing don't get ideas in your head about interfering in someone else's marriage & if you have a problem take it out on the man you're messing with whom you know is married.


Give up mate

by Janet21 July 3, 2024


Narcs are the most disgusting form of low life to ever walk the earth.Always bawling boo hoo poor me I'm a victim a victim wipe my tears,I'm shy need help so accommodating let me put you up,I only live round the corner I'm a good person,so just relax & let me unleash a demon on you like nothing you've never seen before.Then come the all my life stories when they meet someone new it's the same line,but people listen treat them nicely then they shit on you,mood swings constant moving don't know how to sit still.Yep lies got you hooked so you fall in love with whatever the fake human's displays mirroring your moves They've no personality empathy or remorse & are easily talked into doing wrong especiallyOld ones😂
Then you stupid people think nice person

it talks about everyone behind their backs also family members,breaks & hides your stuff have secret lives.Oh & then they're so self absorbed telling everyone you love them when all you

doing is what any normal person would do.Narcs your not that special sorry to tell

you this,there's a reason a Narc picks a stronger partner it's cos they're so weak can't look after their partner just too passive.They don't understand partners meet other men or women when they're out too,some who are willing to pay all the bills in the home that's what real men do or at least try to pay half.
Narcs you not fit to be around decent folks you are so rotten inside,how can you claim to love someone & act the way you do?
You make us all sick🤮


Narcs please get out of good peoples lives they don't need you.
A beg 🙏🏾

by Janet21 July 3, 2024


Why do Narcissists pretend not to know what they're doing?They're the lowest form of scum ever.They act in ways outside world would think none of what they did took place & everyone else is batshit crazy😳Someone please explain why when asked to leave they stay?Some say things like the only way you're getting them out is in a body bag or if the police removes them Narcs are either so fucking dumb or love attention they'd be willing to shame themselves instead of going quietly🙈Narcs have self hate jealous/envious of others & their success it shows in relationships pure competition. Grandiosity makes them feel they can do what they like,but would cut your throat for same behaviors they are lousy in bed🙈 + snore like 🐖 Are wicked demon possessed empty vessels fake as fuck pretend to be a whole person. They'd charm the pants of a snake😂 worse if working in positions of authority yes you heard it,it's a way to have access to new supplies usually co-workers these relationships form quickly mostly after the Narc finished telling everyone horrible stuff about the co-worker then suddenly you become what he/she is nailing to the bedpost😬they do things partners/family would be ashamed of say they don't care what family or partner thinks we heard many times well jog on just let your partner be with someone good after all you

did it the moment you cheated brr so you already bat for SATAN'S team😆 Some women/men were raised by a committed loving father/mother, so they know you fall short🤔


Narcs take no accountability lie cheat & blameshift.

by Janet21 June 9, 2024


Firstly let us speak truth & also put things clear cos when people refuse to see truth & believe the facade shit happens.Narcissists love no one they are incapable of doing so they only love the thrill of sneaking around & the attention they get from the fool who offers up their body to them.These fuckers have such low self-esteem they spend their time running around trying to fill a void which can never be filled no matter how good you are.They are miserable jealous envious peaces of shit who take pride in damaging others for kicks.Narcs are empty vessels perfect for demons to hijack their

bodies & make them act out the demons

wishes desires & anything else the demons want.Narcs will look you in the eye swear on

the cross or any religious object that they didn't cheat break or hide your stuff like it's nothing especially the married narcs if the grass is do green on the other side why doesn't the narc just leave it would be the best decision they

ever make cos at least the other person can

have the misery they bring & don't think the narc partners are idiots or a push over they don't care & are simply laughing at how the

narc believes no one knows about their wickedness 😬


What a sad empty life never being able to hold on to anything good without lying or scheming.

by Janet21 June 26, 2024


Never listen to anything you get told by a married little rotten teeth weakling for the version you're getting isn't real either.
When a man is no good that he could be so easily led into nastiness by other women this man clearly has no respect for women,he decieves everyone including himself as the saying goes a man is what he hides😳when videos/photos pop up with a naked little old man with his penis in other womens mouth & private then him bending them over please understand you were pawns in a sick game to serve as some purpose of what I wish I was young again yes mate you are nearly 70 as you said you will take it to your grave you weren't kidding😀this is your Kingdom Husband ladies so when did this fool join into Freemasonry did you all meet up have sex then brainwash the old jackass when he was on Severn Street,was

it the day he walked past with him trousers front all wet stunk of piss,then he had shit in his underwear just wandering how long before everyone puts it together. It begs the question who had anal sex with him? You see you weren't man enough to satisfy your Wife,but you were all over the country putting your black dick which is so ugly in everything that crawls you aren't complex just pure Evil🤮

Why stay in a marriage you are clearly not cut out for?Go get your match let a good woman be with a good Man❤️


by Janet21 June 25, 2024


The love & respect I have for this woman

her qualities abilities & moral prin is something

you truly could never understand as quite often it's greediness that makes a man who knows he's no good want to lock down a good woman,yes there may have been love initially,but you not a man,real man only gets married when he knows he's stop messing with other women. You don't want to be held to account you just like a child argumentative defensive & out for the attack. You don't understand the value of marriage you think

you can go be a young boy again please piss

off out my friend's life you are holding her

back she's an amazing woman it doesn't

matter what you think anymore you too late stop forcing things to work it's just not there

you lie play dumb & are severely emotionally deficient which is a clear fucking trait of narcissism. Let her live her life in peace for the sake of everyone else no need to fuss you can

be with anyone you like she don't need you

The Creator's got her back so have I just jog on
Some women are just that damn good they don't fuck about not cos they can't,but as a matter of moral character..


Some times you think you've gotten away with something you did,but instead all you've done is end up doing yourself out of something good 🤔

by Janet21 June 25, 2024