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extreme love

love that is intense and undying that will last forever

tony and sarah are in extreme love.

by staron July 28, 2006

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Extreme dares

You need a groupe of people (3 or more) who put money in (e.g a tenner).
Each team mate then gets given extreme dares.
They have 3 life lines (can rufuse 3 extreme dares) but once they are gone they are out of the game.
The winner is the one with most lives left at the end- they win all the money.
You are not aloud to tell any one you are playing extreme dares until the whole game is finished, if you do a life is lost.
Evidence is needed of the dares- e.g video, picture, recording.
(A lot more fun when participants are drunk).

-walking into a super market and shouting on the phone ''omg for the last time i will not have anal sex with you'': extreme dares

-in a nightclub- grinding on someone ugly and taking there waistcoat off and waving it around doing a sexy dance with it: extreme dares

- pretending you are in an invisible wheelchair:extreme dares

by Raaz Taaz January 29, 2009

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Extreme fireworks

Fireworks such as Roman Candles,Skyrockets,Firecrackers, M-80s, or any type of fireworks that shoots up in the sky or explodes.

I went to a fireworks store in Dillon South Carolina, where they sold a lot of Extreme fireworks that I can't find in my home state!!

by BruinKiller3469 March 24, 2009

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extreme porn

Having sex whilst doing a crazy stunt like walking on a tight rope or even playing Minecraft

Megan:Did you hear Stefan is an extreme porn pro now.

Bill:No way that's so cool

by Spydter November 6, 2017

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extreme cuddling

the act of making love to the extreme, bring your protective gear because you might need it, act of performing a backflip with a perfect mount.if you get what i mean.

hey bro major props on extreme cuddling last night if you had more speed you might have just landed it.

by justin rossiter March 13, 2008

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extreme lesbian

1, A lesbian woman with considerable sexual experience and an active willingness to explore offbeat sexual activities, often using sly and very smooth seduction methods.

2. a lesbian woman who is extreme in dress or manner, far out in appearance.

3, A lesbian woman who is an active partner in a relationship that is extreme in perversity, usually an intensely sexualized dom/sub relationship similar to Lezdom, but more sexual than ordinary BDSM, or dom/sub.

1, That's one extreme lesbian there, she have that dolly doing her ass in no time, and have that girl thinking it was her idea all along!

2, That girl looks so extreme; I mean it's one thing to be an out lesbian, but does she need to be THAT extreme?

3, See the tall woman? She's got that girl wrapped right around her little finger to the point that she'll do anything that woman wants, and I mean ANYTHING! If that's lesbian, then it is extreme lesbian!

by Donna Mae33 January 1, 2009

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Extreme Snart

When one sneezes and farts at the same time
WARNING:These farts tend to cause dirty pants, and anal bleeding in some cases


by Scott L December 20, 2008

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