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my foot fell asleep

It’s when your foot gets pins and needles, or any part of your body! But when it gets pins and needles, you are just rephrasing “pins and needles”

*martha has had her foot under her thigh folded for a while*
Martha: that was a good movie!

*marthat stands up*
Martha: ow my foot fell asleep!

by Jdhdjsjbdhejrbrhjebev November 19, 2020


A stronger emotion than feelings. Everyone has feelings. Only some people have fellings.

Elizabeth: I know I wear dresses a lot that are too big, and look like they came from the 19th century, but I really like them. Don't make fun of me. It hurts my fellings.

Jonathan: Sorry, it's how I fell.

by nocharge July 31, 2023

fell far from the tree

It means that you're not like ur parents!

I fell far from the tree, I'm not like you.

by Pipe_Brazil November 21, 2016

Off fell

Better way to say fell off

Jayesh off fell so hard

by Offtothewhy May 19, 2022

oof i fell

Someone falls off something

Oof i fell of dis bridge

by Annie ur fav November 24, 2017

fell of the roof

That time of the month

omg Aguanetta , I just fell of the roof and I have really bad cramps...I'm not going to make the bukkakefest tonight.

by Ron Damint June 26, 2017

The tree fell down

What you want to say when you are saying that a specific tree fell down.

Tim said to his friend Jim "The tree fell down right here." and not even a few seconds later a tree had fallen down on Jim. He was fine in the end but he had to get another job because he couldn't afford to pay his medical bills to the Hospital.

by ComputerWorld February 5, 2024