Garlic Butter-
a violent greasy liquid used to prevent your enemies from caressing your earlobes.
(Suggestion: Attack best used whence spraying at the enemy rather than pouring. Though if you feel the need to penetrate enemy with such substance, so be it; that works too.)
Gerald *fills pressure washer with garlic butter*
Ann: Gerald, what the hell?!
Gerald: A n n; do y o u wanna fucking die in the earlobe apocalypse?!
Gerald: then f u c k o f f.
Ann: *f u c k i n g a w a y f r o m g e r a l d*
Gerald: Bashiba, Ann
Ann: B a s h i b a Gerald.*eyebrow wiggle*
When you leave a garlic in the fridge for too long and it goes rotten.
The gone off garlic smells like mint.
Another way to say Marijuana.
Used by Toronto teens.
Yo b! U cop any dat urban garlic?!
The name of a sexual act, when a person eats a lot of garlic before giving a blowjob.
My cock is still stinky from that garlic sausage I received the other day.
A freakishly large Cuban penis
Did you see that garlic sausage?!
daniel is a soda, sofa, and garlic mixed into one. an alternative name for daniel is daniela as well. daniel often has man moments and lives under a rock. you can ask him if he knows what spongebob is and he’ll have no idea. he also wears unnecessary baggy pants that are to baggy, for the word baggy. daniel also lives in an orange
daniel soda garlic is a guy who stinks and lives under a rock. he also had a cat named horchata