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Halo Junky

An individual who is obsessed with the video game series Halo. So much so that it develops into a habit and addiction.

"Man let's go party tonight!"
"Hold on, I've only got a couple of hundred more experience to go to become a major..."
"Dude, get help, you're a Halo Junky."

by Zanic Fondora September 14, 2008

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Sympathy Junkie

People who air their dirty laundry and or flat out complain publicly (possibly on a social networking site) in hopes of generating drama and or a sympathetic response. Sympathy junkies commonly use the word, "ugh" (which is actually a primative sounding grunt) in online posts, constantly say how much their life sucks, use the acronym FML (fuck my life) and whine about everything no matter how small such as having to go to work.

Mary was complaining on Facebook again and of course her enablers were there to spoon feed her sympathy. She's such a sympathy junkie.

by pooeyscooter August 17, 2011

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Nookie Junkie

Someone addicted to sex.

"He's a nookie junkie"

by Zoe03 June 17, 2009

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closet junky

one who use drugs on a regular basis (recreationaly), but will not admit to friends or family that he/she is addicted... one who does drugs in private, not with friends.

stop being a closet junky, everyone knows what you do in your spare time.

by bogart March 7, 2005

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junkie stunt

Something that a junkie would do; A stunt that a junkie would pull, usually something grimy and fucked up (lie, steal, turn tricks for drugs, etc.).

I went to sell this bitch some crack, and she tried to junkie stunt me with these fake-ass $20 bills!
That bitch junkie stunted me! I woke up this morning and my money was gone!
She's just junkie stunting so she can get high.

by M0n$t3r June 11, 2014

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beatport junkie

One who spends an excessive amount of money and time downloading electronic music on the beatport website.

Guy 1: Jonnie coming out tonight?
Guy 2: Nah, that Beatport junkie is downloading tunes...

by Sparko March 29, 2008

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A person who trys to trick you or someone who act like they forgot to pay up.

You: Where is my money?
Person: I will give it to you tomorrow.
You: Don't make me put a foot in your ass.
Person: I promise, I will.
You: Ok, you better watch it or be a victim.

tomorrow never comes. thats a junky stunt.

by MARIO ELLIS August 29, 2007

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