Source Code

Rated 'N'

3.Being displeasing to the eyeballs

That girl is Rated 'N' for 'nasty'.

by Androol November 7, 2005

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Matter Of Time rating. (It's just a matter of time) Refers to an individuals life span with regard to the dumb things they do.

An individual who takes risks such as driving recklessly will have a higher MOT-rating than an individual who drives sensibly.

by Jono bites December 1, 2005

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Rate me

The chances of her smashing you/dating you from 1-10

Him: Yo shordy, do you rate me
Her: Ya fosho
Him: What’s the rating then
Her: Umm 8.5

by Torno guy April 28, 2020

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Sexchange rate

The value of something quantified in sexual favours or actual sex.

"Hey, could you help me move my stuff out over the weekend?"

"That's going to cost you at least two blowjobs, that's the going sexchange rate"

by YouCallMeEd January 16, 2013

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pg rated

PG rated means that parents or a guardian have to be with tgeir children and some stuff in the movie might not be suitable for Children.

This movie is PG rated

by Gd_Iridium1873 February 19, 2017

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Hate Rate

The act one user using an online rating system to constantly drag down the rating of another user. These are typically seen as "ratings" or "respect" on forums or online games. Hate Raters typically recruit buddies to further drag down the target's rating.

Man that assbag Dartagan didn't vote for me in the hot chick contest.

Damn that sucks, lets hate rate his bitch ass for a week...

Dartagan - Y am i always getting rated down? :(

by MaryJaneRottenCrotch May 28, 2008

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picture ratings

a website that pathetic attention-starved morons put there pics (often scantly clothed wordslappers/word and clean cut preppy fags) and profile onto so the world can rate "how cute they are) - how sick can these freaks get? get a REAL life you lameoids

sarah-jane put her pics

by Brother Number One November 2, 2003

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