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B R (business reason)

This is where an employer can ask employees to go home without pay because there is not enough work. It's a sneaky way of exploiting workers. BR's are often popular with employees who are fond of the drink, hardcore druggies and gamblers. This term seems to have originated in the food production industry in Northern Ireland. A BR can also be known as a bullroot or a Brendy Rogers.

I'll see if I can get a B R (business reason) today so I can get a few whoopers and get wiped this afternoon.

by Whowantspeas November 6, 2018

Give me a reason to live

you want to die but you don't want to
aka: why shouldn't i commit suicide or what is the point of life etc.

Jeremy was at school one day and he asked alex: give me a reson to live
give me a reason to live which means that he had to think of a reason to live

by Fruit Gutz December 3, 2020

Searching for a reason to keep going

What is the point anymore...

Searching for a reason to keep going

by PushingBEnjoyer April 27, 2022

Bed Bath & Beyond Reasonable

I have finally figured out what "Beyond" in "Bed Bath & Beyond" stands for... Yup, that's right, it's "Beyond Reasonable". As in, Good lord! The number and names of all these soap products is simply beyond reasonable!

Lynda: "Honey, I need to stop in Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up some hand soap."

Marty: "Okay."

An hour later my checking account is -$200 as we walk out with a huge bag full of 12 different kinds of hand soap, 20 candles, 10 new shower puffs, and a new set of hand towels to go with the new hand soap...

Lynda: "I love that store."

Marty: "That was Bed Bath & Beyond Reasonable. Next time, can we just go to Safeway and get some Dial hand soap?"

by m_piet April 28, 2010

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Reasons Why God Exists

Error 404 - Not Found

Press F5 to try again to view "Reasons Why God Exists".

by ChingTaiwan April 30, 2011

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reason you suck speech

When you tell someone who you're incredibly pissed off with or just generally someone you don't like every single reason why you don't like them.

(Apparently you have to have the word reason you suck speech in this so i just put it here)

I always wondered what kind of person could do such a thing. But now that I see you, I think I understand. There’s just nothing inside you. Nothing at all. You’re pathetic and sad and empty.

by kimwest October 25, 2014

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my 13th reason why

i swear to fucking jod if this guy in this discord group doesn't stop doing fucking morse code i am going to kill someone


by kitten of the east March 17, 2023

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