Source Code

Archers Rights

After you've had a sexual encounter with a lady at her own home, convince your lady lover that you should both run around the block naked (leaving through the front door). When at the door "preparing" yourself to do said naked run, make sure the lady is infront of you, when you open the door (every gentleman should open a door for a lady) quickly push her outside naked and close the door behind her. You now have full roam of her house and she is locked outside her own home naked. Winning. You will forever be a legend among your group of friends.

That hot milf took me back to her place last night, after I pulled an amazing Mexican Avalanche on her we were stood facing the front door, it was then I took to opportunity to claim my Archers Rights! Little annoyed she had no crisps though...

by pidgetlover July 10, 2015

social rights


refers to a set of rights which an individual is entitled within society in a social context. These consist of;

a; freedom of choice

b.; free will

c; individuality

all members of a free Democratic society, are bequeathed with social rights.

by Baron Neville June 9, 2017

a right cunt

a person who dont care about anything or anyone or even him self and loves to cause trouble and misery to everyone on the planet
a person who farts in a room full of people and dont care how bad it smells and owns up to it laughing there head off

look at that person over there hes drunk causing trouble hes A RIGHT CUNT!!!!
that person over there has just bin to the toilet and had a smelly shit and not flushed he A RIGHT CUNT

by elzz March 21, 2017

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Ms. Right

See above.

First name is usually Always.

Ms. Right is a dream for many men, and an unfortunate reality for many more.

by donut hole July 21, 2006

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right hand

Like, your right hand man/girl, down for whatever, partner in crime if you will


"Wassap "Right hand ", wats the move."

by $waGGkiDD November 14, 2013

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Mrs. Right

a. She is not sexy, fine, or a dyme. She is Beautiful and therefore encompasses all of these descriptions.
b. She is intelligent, sassy, funny, outgoing, determined, strong and classy.
c. She can cook or at least order a meal that is just like your mother's.
d. Her personality is just as beautiful as her body.
e. She believes in God and follows his virtues.
g. She can please her man in anyway. Mentally, Spiritually, and Sexually.
h. She makes you recognize your full potential as a man and completes you.
i. She's always there for you, no matter what your dreams are.
j. She's not afraid to tell you the truth and set you straight.
k. You can talk to her and confide in her, she's your best friend.
l. You love being around her more than your boys.
m. You can share your most intimate moments with her without sex.
n. You can have a bad argument with her and have the BEST Mind Numbing and passionate love making fest ever.
o. She's always willing to find a way to work out your problems and will often take most of your shit. But she's also intelligent enough to leave.
p. She's nothing like any other girl you've met. She's your woman.

"There has to be a Mrs. Right out there for you somewhere."

by Charlito April 22, 2008

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Right Meow

An alternative to saying, "Right Now". This phrase was started in 2001 in an episode of Super Troopers, where Foster tries to see if he can say "meow" 10 times while pulling someone over.

Foster: "Alright meow, where were we?"

Driver: "Excuse me, are you saying meow?"

by whatitlooklike March 23, 2012

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