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bake the steak

Suntanning nude. No tan line. Typically a guy referring to including tanning his genitals.

Anyone want to go to Black's Beach? I need to bake the steak.

by RNPS January 6, 2008

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sirloin steak

A really good type of meat-from a cow's leg.

"I had sirloin steak the other night for dinner...it was so good."

by purpledoodles February 6, 2010

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steak sanwish

the dialect used when a yankee attempts to order at steak sandwich at a restaurant... this vernacular is more than likely a product of environment and/or wop parents.

hey jabroni! get me a steak sanwish and some cheesebawls!

by billbrasky69 February 24, 2011

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Steak Sauce

Something that is highly good. Reference of the Steak Sauce 'A1'

Jessica Alba is steak sauce

by EODBrand March 15, 2009

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Mean Steak

A perfectly cooked steak. Usually medium rare and a good cut of meat.

Phil: You sure you know how to cook that rib eye?
Gim: Yeah I know how to cook a real mean steak!

by Sgud November 25, 2013

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steak escape

when your cock flops out of the fly hole in your boxers, particularly when taking part in some athletic event

guy 1: dude....whats that comin outta your shorts?
guy 2: ahh shit...another steak escape

by Pepis July 6, 2006

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Burnt Steak

A pussy so black (inside and out), and crusty lipped that it looks like a burnt steak (that has been butterflied).

Hey you know that bitch i fucked last night...? Her pussy looked like a Burnt Steak! I didn't know whether to grab a RUBBER or some fuckin A1!!

by EnigmaChode April 23, 2010

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