A way to refer to one's particularly wee penis.
Two boys talking:
A: "Next week is already time for our holiday! Have you packed your stuff?"
B: "Yep, I'm almost done here"
A: "Be careful not go forget your small fella!"
B: "Wikipedia says it's standard size!
Black people. February fellas are black people.
Ah it’s that time of year again! It’s the month of history for those February fellas!
(Depends on how you phrase it) idiotic person, a side hoe or sneaky link , ur bestie, and ect…
Mazzy- Michael why are you such a fellas fuck
Michael- idk
some cool badass mothafuckas that know how to rock ,get pussy, and tear shit the fuck up. They follow their boy glenn the lead basser (a badass mothafucka that know how to bass) in hopes to become the greatest fucking rock band of all time!!!!!!
"yo dude did you go to that rock show last night glenn and the other couple of fellas took over the stage and liz flashed her tits."
"yeah dude that shit is so fucking badass"
to squeeze the shaft until your tip gets bright red
"was with john the other day, he told me he gave someone a Jeremys fella"