A medieval form of torture commonly favoured in the Roman times which combines briny tuna chunks with Radox Coral Reef. When added to the prisoners hair it would make them instantly undesirable to any potential sexual conquests
Morgan is a cunt and shall now receive Tuna Shampoo
lather, rinse, repeat… for your cheeks!
Looking clean, she’s probably got that butt shampoo
a much better version of champaign urbana. only true townies and members of illini-nation are allowed to use this word. it has origins in 410 E Healey, the social circles of green street, and the elite socialites of Kams and Lion.
Sam: Are you from Champaign or Urbana?
Nick: No, I'm from Shampoo banana
Ani: I'm moving out
A large elephent, typically with a #76b129 tip. Can be found "Jacking Off" during a school shooting.
Oh my gosh! Theres a Shampoo Donkey!
The thing @lancebkr on TikTok always is saying to do and it supposedly helps your hair for some people. 🗿🗿🗿
Dude, you gotta fuck your shampoo🗿
Herbal Essences is the act of ripping a girl's ass and pouring shampoo down the middle. According to Urban Dictionary, at least.