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Urban Dictionary Competitor

Person who tries to get the most words approved on Urban Dictionary

She got five words approved on urban dictionary. She is an urban dictionary competitor!!

by Docmbc448 November 8, 2013

Urban Dictionary whore

A person who adds a really fucking pointless definition about their boyfriend/girlfriend. It really pisses off the editors and we're starting to get really fucked off with it, you cunts. Typically a girl between the ages of 12 and 18 or so, sitting their lonely ass on the computer just praying to god that their friend will see the definition and call them in tears screaming about how sweet she is.

ed. chatroom:

Guy 1: Fucking a, that's 6 bf/gf defs in a row.
Guy 2: You get the one about emily? Urban Dictionary whore, right there.

by gfkljfjkg January 27, 2009

66๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Voting

Urban dictionary lets you vote on the page by either clicking the vote icon, or after posting a definition. Right now at 2:18 PM Thu Apr 16 2020, maybe you are voting for this post to be posted on urban dictionary?

Urban dictionary voting is fun
yeah it is
ew this one sucks

by e1rg April 16, 2020

46๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Underachiever

Person who thinks stringing together a few words and making a gay ass acronym or loser with no friends who submits someones name counts as a valid submission

Editing the submissions is not as fun as it used to be as too mant idiots are putting stupid acronyms or names of people they either love, hate, know, idolize ,etc,etc....FUCK OFF TROLL!!!

Why don't all you Urban Dictionary Underachievers (UDU's) go start a website called wefuckinlosers.com and troll your gay ass heads off....shiteaters!!

by Lunicus April 15, 2012

23๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Names in Urban Dictionary

People who have such a large goddamn egos, that they jerk themselves to the fucking point that they right Urban Dictionary definitions for their name, only to than screenshot it and send it to a friend.

"All the Names in Urban Dictionary are so acurate"
".... Your fucking r-e-t-a-r-d-e-d"

by BigFactsMan November 3, 2018

30๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary trending

it never changes.

1. Watermelon Sugar

2. Ghetto Spread

3. Girls who eat carrots

4. sorority squat

5. Durk

6. Momala

7. knocking

8. Dog shot

9. sputnik
10. guvy
11. knockin'
12. nuke the fridge
13. obnoxion
14. Eee-o eleven
15. edward 40 hands
16. heels up
17. columbus
18. ain't got
19. UrbDic
20. yak shaving
21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
22. Pimp Nails
23. Backpedaling
24. Anol
25. got that
26. by the way
27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
28. soy face
29. TSIF
30. georgia rose

god dammit, the Urban Dictionary trending never changes, it's always Watermelon Sugar on top!

by suite life #1 fan March 23, 2021

Urban dictionary dumbass

A person who gives a dumbass definition for something on urban dictionary

Hey I wonder what ascot means Ill search it on urban dictionary. Ascot : slang for yo ass got bigger. Wtf a real urban dictionary definition would be that thing Fred wears around his neck on scooby doo wow this guy is an urban dictionary dumbass

by Mreraofawesomeness July 29, 2012