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Derpy Biscuit

It’s a phrase that makes Stacey cringe.

Hey Stacey! Let me see that derpy biscuit!

by Hyuckleberry December 6, 2023

Cozier than a hair in a biscuit

When you’re very, snug, cozy, or comfortable.

Popularized by Michael Evans in 2021.

Last night while the snow was falling and the fireplace was roaring, I felt cozier than a hair in a biscuit!

by geej123 April 18, 2021

fishy biscuit

A word dumbass people use to make other dumbass people laugh.

Girl 1:fishy biscuit
Girl 2:*laughs*

by Sassyshelbss January 31, 2016

bumping biscuits

To bump genitals that often leads to sexual encounters

Me and this girl were bumping biscuits in the back room.

by Dethbite April 16, 2017

Biscuit baby

A baby weened on buttermilk biscuits instead of the mother's milk.

My wife gets lightheaded if she doesn't eat enough biscuits throughout the day, because she is a biscuit baby.

by BiscuitEater82 February 25, 2023

Biscuit Baby

A white baby

Look at that cute lil biscuit baby!

by BrittanyAlexia09 July 6, 2021

biscuit time :D

Biscuit time is when you find biscuits! It is also a nice period to celebrate with your friends!

Ran out of biscuits for biscuit time? No problem mate, I'm always there :D

-Hey Lincoln, Is it 5 pm already?
-No, it is biscuit time :D

by Lincoln Ler May 25, 2023