To betray your dark overlord by fake killing someone to prove your ultimate loyalty
Little did The Dark lord know, It was a snape kill!
Kill or Be Killed... An Undertale fighting game on ROBLOX... Or a catch phrase!
Wawaoajilicious: What the flip...
Kill or be Killed is my favorite Undertale Fighting game!!! KoBK4ever!
an aspiring rapper with one of the best flows ever. has a very big dong and will murder any beat.
John : “yo did you hear the new kill fenix song?”
Kevin : “yeah his flow was on point”.
To take shots or partake in heavy amounts of alcohol, often in celebration.
Guy 1: Whoa Johnny is really going wild tonight!
Guy 2: Yeah he was really killing birds earlier after he broke up with his girlfriend
A "killing Move" is a technique specifically designed to murder/absolutely destroy someone or something. It's considered an ultimate move that a person can use to kill and/or annihilate their opponent. It's used in fiction.
Protagonist: "Killing move: God Killing Art"