Something so stupid that you've done it becomes beytarded
What have you done recently that's incompetently stupid?
Something so stupid that you do that's beyond stupid.
What's the last incompetently stupid thing you've done
Something you do that's so stupid it's actually beytarded
Putting your oatmeal porridge to cook on the stove and forgetting about lol incompetently I missing something?
Something so stupid you do, that it seems beytarded
Cooking 🍳 porridge or whatever and forgetting to turn off the stove when you're done, that's incompetently stupid imho
Something so beyond stupid, you have all over your face .
If your mistake is incompetently stupid, and you don't realize it, you don't know what the definition of insanity is.
People who feel they are superior to people but are uneducated.
I hate stupid chess because people have lost the ability to teach themselves.
Stupid chess is not something you choose to play.
people not knowing the street and do stupid things that gets them into trouble
eron was street stupid