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Developing Plastic Free Habits

The way our world uses plastic today is not sustainable. Most of this plastic is single-use and is only with us for a few minutes or hours. Worse this most of this “single-use” plastic will outlive the user and cause a lot of harm to the environment.

To start developing plastic-free habits, look at the items you regularly use that are plastic. Developing Plastic Free Habits' encourages you to look at the use of plastic in your life and find nonplastic alternatives for the items you use the most.

by naturaldividends December 23, 2021

free the shopping cart coin

For a man, the act of inserting his own penis into his anus. For most of them, it's would be satisfying to do, but there's a tiny lack of length, so they use another "shopping cart unlocker", a friend's one for example.

Oh god I wish I could free the shopping cart coin alone...

by Fan2Definitions October 5, 2019

pussy free loser cuck


My fantasy is living the rest of my life as a pussy free loser cuck that is only allowed to look at censored or gay porn. I feel like I cheated coming to your page.

by March 18, 2023

1👍 2👎

Gun-Free Safe-Zone

Gun-Free Safe-Zone: /ɡən/-/frē/ /sāf/-/zōn/


An area or stretch of land having little to no weapons opening it up as a free fire and open target area with little to no resistance. "an open season pedestrian safe zone"

The pedestrians were easy targets in the gun-free safe-zone.

by RDaneel October 12, 2019

Free All My Hots

To release my brothers or sisters from jail.

Hots as in shooters, drug dealers and just straight criminals that has heat from the police.

Mainly used in New York I.E. Bobby Shmurda from GS9 Crips

Free all my hots ahh ahh ahh

by Chapo_ss October 11, 2016

Summer Car Free Download

My Summer Car Free Download

My Summer Car Free Download

by miimob November 17, 2022

Free-Ball Blobbington in these Jorts

a spicy hot way of saying one is not currently wearing undergarments whilst concurrently sporting jean shorts.

"Hey Todd, are you wearing those new underwear you recently purchased?"
"Naw man, I'm goin' free-ball blobbington in these jorts"

by Freeballblobbington April 24, 2023