Doing something ludicrous. Whether it be an insane trick in sports, talking to your crush, or anything else you can think of that's unusual or just straight up insane. Be it good or bad.
"Dude, did you just get her snap?"
"Yeah, man! I'm on x games mode!"
Pico Mode is an epic gamer song for epic gamers. It uses the combination of Friday Night Funkin's Week 3 Pico tracks and the ever so famous Sicko Mode made by Travis Fortnite Scott.
Some say it's the best song in existence, others say this song slaps, but I say that the only correct opinion is MY opinion. Haha.
Also Everywhere At The End of Funk doesn't make sense like at all. How is the literal blue haired whatever the hell he's called get dimentia at the age of like 19. Also even at that, he looks like a 7 year old Fortnite gamer kid, nowhere near 19... But I digress.
Average Sicko Mode fan: Sun is down, freezing cold. We already know winter's here.
Average Friday Night At Funkin's fan: Bee boo boo beebo peebo boop
A version of dopamine detox introduced by the Youtuber Alex Becker where you basically exlude every single source of "unearned" dopamine, in order to achieve maximum concentration, health and effiency.
I am on nightmare mode since march and it feels like being on steroids
The mode you go into when you embrace the higher life purpose of being absurdly skanky manky
Im living in the frat house this year and only taking 12 credits, so that means I’m primed to go full skanky manky mode for the duration of the 2023/24 school year. Fight on
when you’ve been smoking hellas and you have a drug test
dude my mom said she’s gonna drug test me time to initiate certo mode
Someone who has descended beyond sicko mode and x games mode. better than Justin at fortnite.
My guy just beat squid games with his eyes closed, he is cracko mode right now.
This man just hit a 3981793470° no scope on CoD he is cracko mode
Tristan Mode is a term when someone's anger leads them to clowning on a family tragedy, along with heavy racism and bullying.
Charles - lelelelele bro has no women
Tristan - bro has a divorced family
Charles - You little bitch going Tristan Mode fuck you