A femboy that loves the A-10 Warthog or Thunderbolt wayyyyy too much, basically, I am one of these.
"A-10 was dispatched to a femboiz house because he was an A-10 Femboy"
The superior attack aircraft.
You should never, ever try to fight an A-10 from the ground because, well, your gun goes pew pew, it’s gun goes BRRRRRRRRT
Person: Hey, is that an A-10-
January 10th, 2020 is the one day that you can slap somebody named Sadee. (i.e Sadie, Saydee, Sadie)
Child 1: "Wow today is January 10th! Do you know what that means?"
Sadee: "No, what does it mean?"
Child 1: "It means I get to slap you!"
The day you have to hug your gf/bf
Gf: hey you know what day it is?
Bf: yeah, its January 10th national hug you gf/bf day!
Gf: yeah so let’s hug! <33
January 10th is national TIGER DAY. By celebrating tigers, we’re acknowledging their importance in biodiversity and the delicate balance of nature.
Man: Hey, woman! Can I give that tiger this gift?
Woman: Yes, you can, because it’s January 10th, AKA national tiger day!!!
Man: rawr 🥺