Buddy The Member, or just "Buddy" is the off-the-cuff name Liam Keel the King of MLP gave to the squid-like penis appendage/s that belongs to Prince Little Money "L Money" and is used to impregnate mares with red maned foals both fillies and colts.
I have a big dick, but it's nothing like Buddy The Member...
The first dog in the United States to get Coronavirus; and was the first one to die of it. The circumstances were very tragic, not only because this was first dog to get it, but because it took multiple visits to three different veterinarians to find one who would test the dog for Covid-19. By the time Buddy's family got answers about what he had from the New York and Federal governments, one month had passed since the dog initially got sick. What should have taken about two to three weeks took a month to complete. He is a victim of the systematic Speciesism that tends to be quite prevalent in the U.S. government and the two mainstream political parties.
Buddy the German Shepherd is famous victim of systematic Speciesism that facilitated the spread of Covid-19. Just a question: Why hasn't Chuck Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Andrew Cuomo said anything about this? They should do something about this.
When you give a guy a blowjob (usually at gay pride) in front of everyone.
Wait did you just give that guy a blowjob, in front of everyone?
-yes he's my parade buddy
A person(s) that was your lover during the covid lockdown.
My covid buddy was critical for my sexual & mental health during the 2020 covid lockdown.
A male and a female who aren’t a couple that go and do sexual activities together in fields,forests etc.
Me and samantha are special hiking buddies we do it most weekends
Two people who are attracted to eachother.
I love my Oreo buddy
When you plan on a bloody Mary trip and your BFF and her man skip out on it.....
Hey Jessika I know we told you we would head over for brunch. However this weekend we are going to pass you up and going to be your non bloody buddy. See ya