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how do you describe wall

you don't its fiscally impossible to describe a wall

person 1: hey how do you describe wall person 2: I don't know it's a wall

by adriel is best March 23, 2021

wall tie

Word used when with someone to point out a baddie

"Hey Lucas did you see that wall tie walking by"

by mojo tron May 18, 2023

4 Wall Fever

When being stuck indoors makes you feel like crap. Symptoms include irratibility, restlessness and occasionally a sore head, to name but a few!
Predominantly found rural/country folks who need to be outside but anyone can suffer from this.

I am really suffering from 4 wall fever today, going outside for a few hours.

by Elamay March 23, 2017


Someone who is not easily hurt or offended

opposite To snowflake

Say what you like to that person he’s a brick wall

by FP.27 May 28, 2022

Brick wall

At least 5% smarter than corrugated cardboard!

"You are as dumb as a brick wall!"
"Oh yeah? Well you are only 5% smarter than corrugated cardboard!"
"-And as you know a brick wall is at least 5% smarter than corrugated cardboard, so therefore i am smarter than you! Ha!"

by Someone else than Kling May 31, 2022

Brick wall

When you’re so bad at chatting to females you don’t even bother approaching them because failure is inevitable

Tstrode brick walled it with cal the dragon

by Robert Ferry April 24, 2022

Brick wall

A brick wall is sex

Sex is a brick wall

by Dominicanodealla May 11, 2022