When a good Christian Girl secretly, or not so secretly, partakes in drugs, alcohol, and risky pharmaceuticals while knowingly pregnant in an attempt to induce a miscarriage. Note: sometimes failure to miscarry can still be a success if it traps the father into considerable financial obligations to support the female partner for life and their disabled and mentally stunted child.
Kevin: Beth seemed totally strung out in church today. Is she on something? I thought she was preggers.
Todd: She had a big fight with Jim last week. She's probably doing a Christian Girl abortion.
Jose-Chris is the best name for a half white and a half Honduran male
Jose-Christian is the best name
The act of avoiding working at all cost.
My Boss said I was Christianing, instead of being productive.
Owner and CEO of “The Homies”. He is known to have a massive shlong and invented the bro codes. If you ever see him you should get on your knees and start sucking for your one and only meaningful relationship. Lastly he is a naturally great ruler with powers over his homies and the bro code.
Omg it’s Carter Christian, get on your knees and start sucking right now!
A person who tries to uphold modern Christianity principals; eg. don't steal, lie,rest on the Sabbath etc. but who can be overtaken by the what's-in-it-for-me mentality.
David: Here you go, you can have this old guitar if you want...there's no strings either.
Terry: What are you doing that for? I can tell...you'll want something in return one day.
David: You're just being a consumerist Christian again my friend. We can fix it up together if you like.
Christians who look down on others because of their knowledge of scripture and feel that God favors them more as result.
I liked this Church alot more before I realized all the Cliff Christians that go here.
Somebody who chooses the bible verses they like and disregards the verses they do not like. So they can continue to live in a shell.
Jerry is a Christian Cherrypicker, he thinks homosexuality is a sin but wears mixed fabrics and eats fish.