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a faggot can be anybody 'male or female'

i don't like those faggots.

by cumtwat23 July 21, 2018


Faggot is a slur used towards gay men. It shall not be used by people outside the lgbtq+, as it is very offending and homophobic.

Stop being a faggot
“Look a faggot”
You’re a faggot”

by Uglyflopidiot May 30, 2022


An Annoying Harley Rider

I ride a harley

by XxAndrewTatesAssH4irsMegaFagxX August 25, 2022


Ricegum, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Alfie Walker.

Me: Hey Alfie!
Alfie: Yeah?
Me: You're a Faggot!
Alfie: I know.

by CancerousCoolKid January 8, 2018


Caesar Zeppeli

Joeseph: Ohoho Caesar, I see the way your faggot self is looking at me

by Poopykoopy December 21, 2021


A derogatory term for a gay Man

usually named Brandon
Is Very homosexual

Wow that guy is such a faggot

by Ahelpfulguide January 24, 2022


A derogatory slur towards gay people. (Mostly gay men). Fag is also a shorter version, but “fag” is also a cigarette in the UK.

Person 1: “ew, he’s such a faggot.”
Person 2: “dude, you can’t say that. It’s a slur.”

by Water_addict December 13, 2022