Acknowledging Urbandictionary as a credible dictionary in all of your classes.
Don't beat a dead horse:
"What is a Pepsi Challenge?"
"Well Urbandictionary says..."
1👍 3👎
A polite way of saying that you need to take a dump
"Be right back...I gotta go see a man about a horse"
25👍 33👎
u take the pp of horse and suck it.
jerking off a whole assing horse is fun. i do it in my spare time.
An easy way to acquire horse meat however it can also mean you are a skilled huntsman and figuratively it mean to get 2 things done at once
Wow Babra you really can kill 2 horses with 1 rifle
YOWZER Brenden you have quite the talent to kill 2 horses with 1 rifle
The act of mounting one’s bed post and neighing loudly while eating soft serve ice cream
I’m gonna be riding my horse to Dairy Queen later, wanna cum along?
A saying when someone gives you something useful but you don't like it at all and you would like to have something better for you .
In the past, when buying a horse, people looked to see if it had healthy teeth.
Dad: „I will give you my little car for your birthday.“
Daughter: „But I don’t like it! I’d rather like a big car!“
Dad: „OH, c’mon! Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!“
A line people use when they get confronted directly for acting like a cunt to try to save face. It is normally used on people of equal or lower social standing and not generally used on people with power or authority. It is a pre-packaged response designed to win over the crowd or turn the tables and doesn't actually have any bearing on who is right or wrong.
Person 1: "Did you see Mark trying to hide his hair loss? It's so obvious."
Person 2: "Making fun of people's looks is kinda lame."
Person 1: "Get off your high horse."
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