Variation of bum raped, DICK GO UP BUM usually after or during shower time in the slammer, (jail) dick rape is when some one wants to rape you so much they shove their dick, UP YOUR DICK HOLE
Ur losing, 20-0, “I am being dick raped right now”
Your Mouth Dick is your tongue. Your tongue is your Mouth Dick. Its a man's 2nd best friend.
When a man resorts to weird child like behavior to attain attention from his spouse by being negative, dismissive, or in his feelings.
Grown men giving childish behavior to gain his woman’s attention. Instead of using his adult mind to convey his needs.
A man that suddenly acts out of social norms in retaliation to not liking what a woman does
Ie. A man condemning you playfully for wearing something revealing
When you rell a man that you’re not interested and he tries to apply pressure to change your mind.
When a man brings you the same energy from his last relationship into his new relationship
Ie. Treating all women the same and not trying to learn his spouse needs
Joe is really giving off Weird Dick Energy always handling his disagreements with Jane like a three-year-old.
It’s crazy how much Jane begs Joe to take her out on dates, but every weekend he starts an argument being real WDE so they don’t end up going nowhere .
Joe weird dick energy ass met J at the strip club and now picks on her for being a stripper
Dudes be on some weird dick energy. Whenever you tell a man I’m not interested he will you so pretty your ass to death.
Don't fuck your coworkers. Don't date your coworkers. And especially don't do any of that with your boss
Dave: "Dude I fucked my secretary last weekend" You: "Keep your dick out of your mailbox, Dave"
When you masturbate my pulling your dick up standing up and letting it go up and down for several seconds
I heard jeff the virgin likes to do the dick wick, that is just said, I hope he gets laid before high school ends...
When you pull out and spray your succulent semen all over a girl or boys back, blow on it a tad bit, then proceed to slap your flaccid cock on their back until it sticks.
It was so hot last night when my dad gave me the dick sticky I almost shot my cat.