(Technical) To "spin up" something is to instantiate it, usually referring to code processes or servers or websites; to deploy.
Network admin: Lemme spin up a new edge server real quick.
Taking the largest most smelliest SHIT in the world.
"Dude, I'm blowing up this bathroom right now."
"What does that mean?"
"I'm taking the most Earth rumbling shit."
Or Batman.
Charlatan "If I can make up a 'if this then that' statement then what I'm saying is true! It's embedded in the structure of the universe!"
Hym "Yes. Of course. You're clearly not a petty charlatan and a tyrant and you're clearly not using fascist collusion and gaslighting to enrich yourself and subvert the government. And it's NOT opposite world. All of these things are clearly not the case and no one is going to die as a direct result of you doing that."
When your so high on meth and all worked up you start spastically swearing, cleaning and pacing until you say "fuck it I'm going to go fuck a tranny and hate myself tomorrow"
Dale: wtf is wrong with that guy
Cody: Dude this guy is all Vinnied up
Dude 1: Dude let's go to kfc!
Dude 2: OH HELL NO!
Dude 3: O H HELL NO!
Dude 1: Alright let's kick it up a notch and go to ihop!
To get better at something.
If someone messes up at work then a manager may say you need to sharpen up your buttons
It doesn't explain it as well as "He was a Hym imposter who fell off immediately after it became obvious that he wasn't actually Hym." Like the exposure they got diminished the day after it became clear they weren't Hym and/or was entirely predicated on "Is that Hym!?" And then it was like "Oh wait... No... No... Nevermind" OR YouTube itself was like "Oh, shit! It's Hym! Get him! Get him off of there! Spread the word that if you get that guy on you're getting dialed down."
Hym "Nothing explains their ups and downs better than the fact acting like Hym is a great way to drive interest. People want see me interact with the shills and the charlatans, baby. YOU, Destiny, were able to maintain your following in a way that they were not because you are both willing and able to shill on 1 or 2 of the correct positions you're allowed to have on YouTube in the right way, you avoided people coming after you by complimenting the right people (i.e. Youtube cashcows, women in general). You also have another thing working for you but I'll expound upon that in the next one. You don't make disparaging remarks about women. Default atheist lefty politically. Militant about the "right" axioms. It sure as hell isn't you being special. Deviation from the default along the positive gradient (Whereas Tate deviates negative). This is all meaningless though because the people validating your position are buying bath water and spit."