M/K is a person who tries his hardest to love to the best of his abilities, but not every female is good to him. He has a tendency to fall for the wrong girls, and when he falls for the right girls, they always fucks it up. Despite the fact that he receives nothing, he gives in his all. He is well-liked and well-known. He's sexy and hot, and girls tend to stare at him a lot whenever he walks.
A person with aver low IQ. Doesn't understand most things and cheats off of people for homework.
That person may be Emma M. Van Buren
1. a vegetable
2. a reaction to the alternative spelling "weiner"
3. a reaction to moe getting a prank call
Kyle: bruh, your a weiner
Bart: L I M A B E A N S
when you get bored and type every letter on your keyboard
I am bored. 123456qwertyasdfghzxcvbn7890-=uiopjkl;'m,./
Practically outsmarts Roblox safe chat so you can type the word without it turning to tags
Roblox safe chat be like: '#######'
We are outsmarting it by using 'D u m b @^$' now-
the chubbiest cubing youtuber on the planet
"Why is M Cuberzz so chubby?"
"No one knows..."
A Pleb Store for Pesants/Plebs and foreigners
The Pleb shops at B&M Bargins