noun: A condition in which one attempts to both say a number and visually represent it with one's fingers, yet the numbers are almost always accidentally unequal.
Samuel said, "Seeya at five," but only held up two fingers because he has hand-mouth dyslexia.
When someone from Maryland repeatedly gives a mouth hug to a Krak’in 2.0 device and erroneously gives themselves a stout shot to the snout.
The distinct gentleman from Maryland gave his Krak’in 2.0 a Maryland Mouth Hug repeatedly and wound up taking multiple foamy ropes to the cheeks.
white things in the mouth
If you, for whatever reason, cannot
stand the usage of the word 'teeth', this is your go-to phrase.
- One of the white things in my mouth has been loose since yesterday, should I go to the guy who helps you take care of the white things?
Something is stuck between the white things in my mouth.
The white things in the mouth are broken.
when u suck a girls pussy were it starts to stop itching
god damn my pussy itches wanna mouth booty scratcher my pussy
A dog that is generally friendly and happy. Does great with other pets.
Fun facts from Wikipedia: They originate from the American South (the Southern United States). The Southern Black Mouth Cur Breeders Association, a breed club, was started in 1987 to support this breed, and the United Kennel Club recognized the breed in the year 1998.
I have a black mouth cur dog named Kacey, and a golden retriever named Zelda. They get along with each other so well. Also, they're very friendly to family members, and people visiting the house (guests)
Extreme hunger to the point ur mouth gets dry and lips chapped..
Extreme anger to the point where u foaming at me mouth while you scream ur point across..
U So hungry Ur look white around the mouth..
Noun: One who has hand-mouth dyslexia.
Adjective: Being in a state of having hand-mouth dyslexia.
1. Sam can't say a number and hold up the correct number of fingers at the same because he's hand-mouth dyslexic.
2. Sam can't say a number and hold up the correct number of fingers at the same because he's a hand-mouth dyslexic.