English used of delicious irony when ending a happenstance conversation with an old acquaintance you accidentally bumped into in public and after the required catch-up chat, end with this - actually meaning "don't contact me - and if I ever see you again it will be too soon"
How great to see you again after all this time - We Must Have Lunch !
It's when someone in the relationship doesn't know how they feel and they ask for a break not to break up just a break so he/she can think about if they still wanna be in the relationship
Jack can we take a break
Despite every obstacle, setback, brick, or adversity thrown at oneself; they continue to slay. To slay without fear of leaving crumbs. Putting one foot in front of the other, always striving for the slay. When one is against all odds, their slay never falters.
"Honey! They took everything! We've been robbed!"
"Well, dear. Regardless, we slay."
A euphemism for sex in the shower with the lights off.
"You busy tonight? Let's pretend we have insurance."
tell me your goals and I’ll support you something we could work to😩 Is Another saying for:” I’m gay for you baby 😩”
tell me your goals and I’ll support you something we could work to😩
Fuck it we’ll all die some day , take once in a life time opportunities and not give a fuck , the understanding of having nothing to lose and living life
“Should I say fuck it and buy this car ?” “Fuck it we all ball”
the first graphic novel featuring Dean Koontz's character Odd Thomas. It was released June 24, 2008
In Odd We Trust serves as a prequel to the first Odd Thomas novel. The ghost of a young boy appears to Odd, and he embarks on a quest to bring justice to the boy's killer so that his ghost can move on