When someone sends rapid-fire texts on various, non related, subjects without waiting for a reply
My mom got mad at me because I didn’t answer her rapid-fire MANIC TEXTING.
When a message could be texted within a sentence or sentences and then send it out as one text entry, the message is broken down into a single word, words, or phrases. Because One message is broken down into a few text entries, the recipient receives 5-6 messages instead of 1.
"Omg Maggie freaking loves break-texting so every time she texts me, I got 10 messages instead of 1"
is something that happens 9 out of 10 times when the "faded" state of mind transition occurs.
Sorry about the delayed texting, I am a little faded right now.
A dude who is always busy texting random women and is continuously distracted from everything else going on around him.
Hey, Sir Text-A-Lot, it’s your turn at the pool table, everyone is waiting.
n. the use of text messages to have a private discussion with another person while in a group. usually used to discuss or insult another member of the group in real time without their knowledge.
the subtlety of this act is easily thwarted by knowing glances and shared spontaneous laughter.
texter 1: dude, joe's b.o. is heinous today.
texter 2: i know, right? i thought i was the only one who noticed it
texter 1: good thing for text-lepathy
When you can’t think of something good to match the top text.
1👍 2👎
a text coming from someone under the influence of any narcotic stimulant that does not have an end or punctuation
Man brandon was so geeked he sent me 8 texts at once filled with jibberish they were tweaker texts