Work from anywhere describes work being done remotely, instead of at an office. The acronym “WFA” is used as a nickname for the concept. Many organizations transitioned their employees from the office to a work from anywhere model after the Coronavirus global pandemic. It is the successor to the well known WFH.
All our staff are work from anywhere at the moment.
When a couple of guys working on a project are away from their wives for too long, and they end up in the doghouse.
We were just trying to get shit done! We didn't know we were doghouse working!
The art of manipulating situations with the finesse of a used car salesman so that every conversation, no matter how mundane or only tangentially related, serves to benefit one’s personal agenda. Basically social gymnastics for the ethically flexible.
"Brad sure has a knack for working an angle; he turned a routine staff meeting into a networking opportunity with the CEO and somehow ended up with a promotion and the CEO’s old gym socks.”
Which is why I created the AI. So I don't have to and maybe in the future other people won't have to but the ME NOT WORKING needs to happen IMMEDIATELY or the child murder needs to happen AS RECOMPENSE.
Hym "Nobody wants to work anymore... And neither do I. Work is shit."
weight you put on while at a job. eventually the weight is lost after being fired or quitting.
Person 1:how’s the job going?
Person 2: oh ya i actually got fired 3 weeks ago...
Person 1: oh no! the good news is that you’ve already lost tons of work weight
Person 2: Uhhh thanks?
A guy with a good masturbating technique.
Hey there Billy, wanna go for some love time? hand works great on a snake.
Another fancier, more acceptable way to say that your masturbating
Jeff: What are you doing later Tom?
Tom: Im working out my guycep later.
Jeff: What gym do you go to?
Tom: My computer chair.