A cheese burger that the people from over in that one fucking place eat you know what I mean?
Go eat a European cheese burger fag tard
1👍 1👎
Another term for chatting shit basically
‘Mans chatting bare waffle burger’ big man Jakey boy
slang for a mixed cum impregnation
last night me and some friends bond burgered your sister
A name that the homeless man that is a alcoholic From SML(Super Mario Logan) said to Mario because he gave him a cheese burger man but how homeless man spells it is is cheez berger man
Homeless guy: Cheez Berger man
Mario: my names not cheese burger man it's Mario
Homeless guy: cheeez berger man
A loud obnoxious, rude and self righteous American.
Whilst travelling our tour was completely overrun by burger jocks.
Anytime during sexual intercourse when the female switches positions with the male still inserted
I burger flipped that bitch into dog style
Any greasy delicious burger containing two or more patties (from any restaurant or greasy spoon) is considered a fat burger.
The Best way to describe this guilty pleasure, a depiction of self loathing for falling in its delicious trap.
Man, im hungry! Lets go get some fat burgers.
Time to lay off the fat burgers.