A derogatory term coined by legendary music artist James Brown that you say to very dark complected African-American (Black)people
Fuck yo couch nigga DARKNESS!!!
The day a community knows it doesn't need uplifting from an outsider or from anybody is the day the community emerges from darkness. There is no light at the end of a tunnel, as people were promised, but they have to help themselves figure that out on their own.
The community was liberated from the darkness when it knew it would never need uplifting or morale boosting from anyone or anywhere, because people were already happy enough there without assistance.
Kind of like the movie Inception, people don't realize there was anything strange about a dream until they start to wake up, people don't realize there was anything strange about the darkness until they wake up and start to fight.
The darkness seemed like a new normal, it didn't seem strange until some people remembered that never was an old normal, and that life was always a little dysfunctional for most people.
a person on the marshy discord server that is mod
man darkness do be kinda cool doe
Jazmin is the definition of all darkness. Within and without. The broken darkness. Which can’t be fixed.
The Dark Mormons are a religious empire that zealously and violently follows and propagates its religion DLDS. An absolutely fanatic group that believes life is antagonistic to the natural state of the universe. They intend to convert or kill all who oppose them.
"It is said the comet always proceeds the Dark Mormon."