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Going Sean Paul

When someone goes ham while wall bouncing in gears of war.

Damn Joe is going Sean Paul!!!!!!

by The 67th man October 18, 2011

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Snake Charmer Paul

A gay man who tries to tak advantage of a drunken straight guy in order to have sex. generally takes place when straight guys enter gays bars.

Tim: "Hey, where did you go last night?"
Alex: "I went to the gay bar for some free drinks, but totally got snake charmer pauled by this guy there"

by Tomas Johanson August 24, 2008

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Paul Culshaw Moment

A Paul Culshaw Moment - or "Cully Mo" for short, is the euphoric moment when things look extremely promising, in an otherwise bipolar like low point... Many physiologists have taken to prescribing "Cully Mo's" to their patients as a form of light sedative & calming practice.

Recent studies showed that "Cully Mo's" proved 95% effective when compared to other groups using standard medicinal prescriptions.

"Cully Mo's" are also now being widely distributed amongst the homosexual elite as a form of "legal high" freely available from most good bookshops & cafe bars for around ยฃ10... Check the Central Foundation of Cully Mo's website for affiliated stores...

Marsha B is having a Paul Culshaw moment. Things could be looking up big time!!

by PhyscoTerms August 8, 2011

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John Paul II

The only canonized Saint involved in pedophilia scandal

John Paul II protected pedophile priests when he was Archbishop of Krakow in Poland

by dildo777 June 14, 2023

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Jake Paul Miasma

The putrid smell you experience as you drive in Ohio specifically in and around Columbus/ Cleveland, Ohio.

"*Coughing violently eyes watering* What The Fuck is that smell bro?" "Bro that's the Jake Paul Miasma, don't breath it in! "

by Mr_RocK April 21, 2022

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Asian jake paul


Who is asian jake paul?

Idk I never seen him online anyways

by Ur__mom__. July 19, 2020

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off the wall Paul

40 year old dude, a poser who dresses like he mugged a 13 year old skater for his clothes and still calls himself his 16 year old street name, 'off the wall Paul'

Look at that old guy dressed in chucks and board shorts; such an off the wall Paul

by DMack2018 April 23, 2018

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