Source Code

kick snow

Go kick snow is a 'northern' way of saying "go kick rocks".

This is private property so go kick snow

by candice_food_fit_in_your_mouth February 9, 2022


Someone who aggressively fights while licking and or spitting.

Did you see that kick-licker, how disgusting!

by water pumkin May 2, 2018

Kick Your Wife Day

this is for you, Grace.

Ever want to kick your wife? Now you can on April 20th, Kick Your Wife Day!

by coronaverus May 8, 2020

Aussie Kangaroo kick

The act of kicking someone as hard as you can in the nuts and then hopping off like a kangaroo

Fuck did you see ol cunt face at the pu. The other day pinched the waitress on the asss? The bitch “ Aussie kangaroo kicked him “ leaving him there stunned for two different reasons one was him wondering why did she do it and the second wtf is with her bouncing / hopping away from me after wards

by MR_SUSPECT March 7, 2024

Kick yer cunt in box

At first glance, it may seem like your standard Munchie Box, however, consuming such a box gives the owner extreme anger issues and a primal urge to protect the box and it's contents, no matter the cost.

Consumer: "Oh yes, my box, my precious."
Scrounger: "Here mate, whit kind eh box is that?"
Consumer: "It's a kick yer cunt in box if ye keep looking at it!"

by Muirhouse Patter September 19, 2019

FF Drop Kick

FF Drop Kick Is Where You Get Drop Kicked by a Fridge Freezer For Talking Shit

You Better Drop The Bullshit Before i Drop Kick You With A Fridge Freezer = FF Drop Kick

by FF Fridge Freezer July 31, 2018

Smurf Kick

Smurf kick is the act of flicking someone, either on the nipple, or genitals.

Girl "Fuck you!"
Boy "SMURF KICK" *Flicks nipple*

Girl *QQ*

by SquishyNinja November 18, 2010