Josh is a really cool and always wants to hang with the boys but in reality no one likes him and he makes really bad jokes. He also has a really bad hairline.
Oh no is that josh... we might have to get mali on him
Don't you know Josh? They had a historical fight on 24th April 2021.
Many Joshes gathered for a fight.
A Josh is pretty much a walking piece of garbage(if this piece of garbage is even capable of quitting league and getting up out of his chair). Ever since he had a small bout of beginners luck, he tryhards, despite being hardstuck. When he loses(pretty much everytime), he makes up excuses for his loss (he was tired, he wanted to go home, ect.) To ward of a Josh, just say jungle diff.
"Dude, stop being a Josh"
"But I only lost because I was exhausted from hw"
"Jungle diff."
Josh is a lame cunt that does nothing but sit in his room 24/7. He’s always in his pc with his fingers full of Cheeto dust. He acts like a discord mod and he probably is one on the low.
Josh ; hi my wittle ekitten
Kitten: hewo daddy 0w0
Josh is a Madman. He will do anything for his Family and friends, Because that's just the way he is. He is always trying to impress the ladies but, usually is a really chill guy. Josh's are usually real sweet, and cute. If you ever have a Josh In your life, cherish them.
Boy 1: Dude, I tried to hit on Josh's Girl...
Boy 2: Why did you do that? That guys will know you out!
Josh is Jesus and God combined. If u fuck with him u will regret it. He also has a ginormas penis. He has also most likely fucked your mom, girlfriend, teacher, crush, aunt, and cousin. He is 10/10 times going to make the NBA. He prolly hates u as much as he hates those weird gay people who can't shut up about being gay and feminists.
Hot Girl: Josh is hot
Everyone on earth: No Shit
Josh is the most fittest boy you will ever meet. He has a light tan and most times brown hair. He can be quite short but is a bad ass boy. He has all girls liking him
from any direction.
He has a big penis and can always make a girl happy. If he had a GF then he would treat her right.
Person 1: Omg girl look at that fit boy he looks peng!
Person 2: omg totes agree, his name has to be Josh