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Private school nose

Perfect little turned up nose on an attractive face M/F/T gives a slightly snobby look.

Oh she’s so pretty she even has a private school nose.
He/she was a bit of a snob they even had a private school nose.

by Lueisms August 24, 2022

truffle nose

The act of sniffing dingleberrys for arousal and or completion

Man i truffle nosed this girl last night she had fucking 3 berrys for sniffing best night of my life

by Shmoodlepoopersuperscooper October 11, 2020

mississippi brown nose

When a man sticks his penis in a girls ass and when he pulls his dick out shit is on it and then he sticks his dick in the girls nose and cums

I just Mississippi brown nosed a girl

by Nick ezzell November 5, 2014

Nose drool

When your nose runs as you are eating.

Every time I eat Mexican food I get nose drool.

by mbgolfer05 January 10, 2018

dumpsters spider nose

when she is deep throating you and you cum and she doesn't swallow but lows it out her nose

Cant wait to see her doing the dumpsters spider nose

by SIayer69 February 4, 2022

Hook Nose Wambat Jack Jaw

A person or people on drugs that are talking just to hear themselves talk

Holy crap that person is Hook Nose Wambat Jack Jaw I didn't think she was ever going to shut up!

by THE REAL COOP December 14, 2024

warm up your nose

Another way of saying don’t be a bitch

He told her to “warm up your nose”

by Intere_Santeeé December 11, 2023