Think Before You Sleep is a really based YouTuber.
Often confused with pajamas. The difference is sultle, but it's there. Sleeping pants are worn under work jeans in place of long johns when one is simply too lazy to change before work.
Oh man! Look at all those sleeping pants!
The false belief that you can start your day and function with insufficient sleep.
I got 4 hours of sleep and woke up at my alarm, and for all about 10 seconds I had the sleep hubris to think I could start my day... until I crashed back asleep.
When you fall asleep with your dick in her ass.
Bernie got hepatitis from using a rusty sleeping bag.
When someone asks you what do you shag with, you respond with this.
“Hey Emma, what do you shag with?”
“i sleep with a bed and squish mellow!”
You beat the absolute fucking shit out of something.
What bro?
Imma put him to sleep.