dance? move when you swing your hips in a circle
Oh, you want an ass circle in the dance now?
When you are eating someone’s ass and the prolapse and you take whole Ravioli looking mass into you mouth.
Nick: “oh my god suck I suck you ass too hard your prolapsing”
Janet: “No that is just me Ravioli Ass, eat it”
that boi who l i k e z bouncing ass
"I heard my boi was an ass bouncer." Logan Paul said.
A word Someone uses to define a girl who has supposedly screenshotted a nude of his younger brother or tooken viagra because she is an attention whore
Hannah Apparently took a screenshot of Jacksons nude Without permission of his okder brother
So now she is a trick ass hoe
When someone who is really short and dumb and ugly is also dogshit at everything they do.
steven jacob cortez is such a dumb bitch ass dogshit midget
Man all triple A studios put out Battlefield 2042 quality games
Fuckshit ass refers to games put out by triple A companies for a profit rather than for their player base to enjoy a fun game. Battlefield 2042.