When a student walks around aimlessly in a classroom.
"Jayden, stop doing the coco and sit down to do your work!"
When you feed your pet puppy dog a meat feast pizza and when said dog inevitably dies you act sorry but don’t accept you killed it despite you feeding it a pizza twice it’s weight
“Oh don’t overfeed your dog! You’re doing a David!”
Oral sex performed on a man, like Monica Lewinsky did to Bill Clinton.
Every Thursday he engaged in degrading forms of sodomy, fellatio and cunnilingus.
girl one dont look this up doing a blow
My girlfriend wanted a Jell-do for her birthday, so I made her one last night
Having a poop
Sorry i missed your message i was doing a DJ
Phil took a selfie while doing a DJ
Al enjoys his time alone doing a DJ
Having words or a lot of fuss over something
You should have seen these to blokes in the car park having a bit of a to do over the same parking space