A faggot is a person who calls gay people faggots for being gay.
Example 1.
Person 1, “OMG, it’s Pride today. I hate those faggots”
Person 2, “Why you hating on the gays dude, you’re the one who’s a faggot”
Example 2.
Person 1, “Hey faggot, quit holding hands with your boyfriend, it’s disgusting”
Patron 2, “I’ll hold whoever’s hand I want to, why are you being such a faggot about it?”
bundles of sticks
or a gay person
random person: whats a faggot?
Someone who corrects your to *you’re. You might’ve liked this person at first, but now you see them as a cancer
Guy 1: it’s your birthday!
Guy 2: *you’re
Guy 1: (mumbles under breath) faggot
In American culture, ‘faggot’ was originally intended to be a derogatory word to be used against those of homosexual proclivities. However, the LGBT community has since reclaimed the word and repurposed it to denote a gay individual that displays and perpetuates certain messy, toxic and abrasive behavior. They perpetrate this ‘messiness’ in a variety of ways: chief among them being extremely confrontational, inciting arguments or drama, and being derisive to others, especially their fellow gays. In reclaiming this word and asserting this nuance, gays have put a wedge between their homosexual proclivities and some of the toxic traits that are stereotypically characteristic of gay culture.
I might be gay, but at least I’m not a faggot!