When one becomes enraged when credit is declined upon purchase due to lack of funds or when their card is faulty and unreadable.
The ambulance was called because Johnny had card rage at the mall and smashed his face into the EFTPOS machine and died.
The feeling of anger and confusion at the end of a mushroom trip
Im glad I didnt show up to your house while you are experiencing mushroom rage
A person, usually white, who becomes racist after constantly hearing propaganda like "it's not okay to be white," "check your white privilege," or "all whites are evil oppressors."
Prior to experiencing constant race bashing, they are usually normal non-racist people. Afterwards, they go into a "rage mode" and decide to fight racism with more racism.
Hillbilly: Cletus over there used to love experiencing other cultures, but after watching CNN he's become oddly concerned about demographics and the future of "his white heritage."
Redneck: Must be a Rage Mode Racist. It's hard to not be racist, when it seems like everyone is racist to you. Doesn't make it right.
A raging bitch who reports people for killing him
Ninja is a raging bitch
A person who only thinks about themselves. They are mean to everybody else for no reason and they don't care about anybody else's opinion. It's usually a personality trait. They give dirty looks all the time. A liar who is narcissistic. They can't take fault for their own actions. They always have to blame it on somebody else. They usually are the abuser in relationships. They don't like anybody except for themselves, and anytime they feel threatened for power they have to put others down to make themselves feel better. They say the most out of pocket and bitchy shit for no reason.
Sierra: Omg, that girl is so fucking ugly, I bet she wishes she looked like me.
Katie: Yeah I bet
Emma: I'm not so sure about that.
Arianna: Omg Sierra you are such a raging bitch! What the fuck! Your not even pretty!
When the opposing side is French and rage quits a mobile game with their rezcumber.
As the battle raged on, the opposite side started insulting the Americans in French as they could not be given more reparations were then handed to them by the one named Rez.Which in turn as they always do in any scenario of battle give up easily and quit. Dude that the Rez Rage Quit- was awesome
Rage farmer: a shock jock who cultivates rage and fear to build an audience...Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones
Rupert Murdoch is a rage farmer built his media empire by cultivating rage and fear