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The Day dump

The biggest shit of the day. You could be on the toilet for hours.

When you come home from work/school or where ever you usually take a big ass shit aka The Day Dump.

by Kevin Sedita May 18, 2006

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Boxing Day

Originating in the United Kingdom and spreading through the commonwealth countries, Boxing Day is a holiday that extends all the way from the Medieval period when the Lord's serfs were still barred from partaking in the royal Christmas festivities. While Christmas Day is usually spent with family members and often is a very spiritually centered and wholesome time, Boxing Day is the more secularly celebratory day of the Holiday season wherein celebrators gather with their close friends (and perhaps some lingering family members) and get hammered in the spirit of Christmas. So hammered that several drunken boxing fights are known to break out between friends and family members, people whom wouldn't usually be partaking in drunken boxing let alone the act of getting wasted together.

"Man, it's Boxing Day! Let's go out and get schlammered in the spirit of Christmas!"

"Dude... I just celebrated Boxing Day yesterday, I never thought I would get wasted in front of my Grandma..."

by James Jamesson December 25, 2009

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Blonde Day

Those days when everything goes wrong and its your own fault because of stupid things you do.

I wrecked my car because I was texting, lost my job because I was late, and I just walked into a plate glass window and broke my nose. I'm definitley having a blonde day.

by grin900 July 17, 2009

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Challenge Day

Challenge Day is a self-help workshop, typically spanning over a period of 3 days.. This is performed in large groups of people ranging from a student body, coworkers, and even strangers. This program encourages people to accept one another and to embrace the challenge of being a nicer, less judgemental human being. It's a good program.. It kind of worked for me but I didn't have enough positivity in my life to keep it up.. but for many people out there, Challenge Day was life changing....

After Challenge Day, I immediately noticed that almost every negative interaction/event I had posed as a challenge, and I sought out ways to overcome the challenge.. Then one day, I was too lazy and gave up. So now I'm back to my evil ways.

by SBSK November 18, 2012

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Judgment Day

In Judeo-Christian and Muslim traditions, the day at the end of the world when God judges the moral worth of individual humans or the whole human race.

guy1"Come Judgment Day, I bet I goto Heaven"

by Shifty155 June 10, 2005

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Labor Day

The first Monday in September. Made to honor the working men and women in the United States, though mainly known for cookouts, parades, days off from work and school (which is usually just beginning) and being the official last day of summer (while the last day is technically Sept. 20, almost every summer related activity shuts down after Labor Day).

Me and my girlfriend had a killer Labor Day weekend. Now I'm depressed knowing I have to go back to work and that Autumn is right around the corner.

by Gaaraofthedamned August 26, 2012

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father's day

Depending on your race/socio-economic class, its a day in June which can be a source of rejoicing or sorrow or confusion.

Special days are to celebrate what is, not what isn't! So take that stupid smile off your face you fockin' bastard! Yo mama' shouldn't have been such a bitch, otherwise she might have been able to baby-trap that sucker!

by dirTsamoan July 3, 2003

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