Source Code

call up the script kiddies

When you find an XSS vulnerability and you wanna make everyone's lives miserable.

"Someone call up the script kiddies, we got sum XSS exploits over here." - zzap

by Node13 November 9, 2018

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Fugging (formerly called Fucking)

A place in Upper Austria formerly called Fucking but now named Fugging on 1st January 2021.

Fugging (formerly called Fucking) is a place in Austria.

by Bryce Hall/Sway Boy Wannabe February 27, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ill call you back

A. another way of saying fuck off.

B. Um, I'm not sure what you're saying anymore and this conversation just got weird so peace out yo.

A. You're on the phone with some hot guy ( or girl ) and he says " hang on, oh, hey that's so and so ... Ill call you back." basically hes saying: Hey, there's someone cooler I want to talk to right now so maybe you will hear back from me . . . but Ill most likely just talk to you later when I have no one else to talk to.

B. ring, ring. caller 1 ~ hello?

caller 2 ~ Hey you, How are you?

caller 1 ~ Oh, I'm fine. Who is this?

caller 2 ~ I'm good. I was watching you undress this morning and we must say you are looking so cold these days! Crab cake always makes nervous.

by 37754769 December 21, 2009

31πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Wake up call

You need find a random house, silently break into, locate random target, preferably female. When the target has been found, the aggressor then will be violently slapping with willy a victim over a face while she is sleeping. You are slapping her until she will wake up while singing "wake up call."

(Hotel reception, boss): "Do not forget to make a WAKE UP CALL in the morning!"
(Receptionist): "Do not worry, they will ake up with gladness!"
"You've just unleashed a WAKE UP CALL!"

by Peter Vyzinkar September 24, 2008

8πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Call her daddy

A podcast that turns girls into women and how to not be a simp. This is what makes these women into sluts in bed. Ever had the best head, she’s apart of the daddygang. It also helps men not be bitch boysss

β€œYo last night was amazing, she was incredible”
β€œShe definitely listens to call her daddy”

by Callherdaddygang September 19, 2020

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i'll call you later

Might mean never, a noncommittal way to say I'm not crazy about talking with you now. Not sure when or if I'll want to call you back, but I will "try".

I'll call you later.

by branding December 14, 2015

29πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Is that what they're calling it these days

1) An expression of surprise at slanguage one hasn't heard before, especially when it's obviously sexual or scatological in nature.

2) A tongue in cheek way of turning an ordinary comment into a double entendre by implying the above.

Dude, I'm heading home. I'm gonna go online and play some World of Warcraft.

Oh really? Is that what they're calling it these days?

by BornBlitzed January 18, 2011

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