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1. The opposite of hot.
2. A virus that infects a person when they are exposed the cold temperature for too long.

1. Ice is cold, solid water.
2. Jay got a cold

by the random. October 21, 2021


Being Cooler Than Everyone Else

Somebody broke into my ride and COLD macked it"

by Designed By Someone Oct 8 2007 October 13, 2021


Word to describe Milo Holmes run vs Cresent College

Staunton : Milos run against cresent was cold Jimmy

by Paddy Tight October 23, 2022


A word mostly used by British kids and teenagers. the term is used to describe something good that has happened.

#Example 1
Jack: I just roasted some kid
Oscar: That's cold

#Example 2

Jamie: Look at this edit I made
Isaac: That edit is cold

by Lynx2012 November 12, 2023


Cool, Awesome, Well Loved

C is so cool, popular, and we'll loved he's cold

by ThugMoney YSL June 26, 2022


In music, DJing and broadcasting this refers to a track that starts and or ends abruptly as opposed to a fade in/out.

This track goes out cold in thirty seconds so you'd better have the next track ready to play.

by AIDSbütt May 30, 2022


lacking a warmup, temporarily rusty due to inactivity.

Person1: "Bro you missing your shots."

Person2: "I just got on im cold, need to warmup."

by FonutYt October 11, 2021