That one Minecraft and YouTube speedrunner.
Person 1: Dude, have you seen Dream's latest Minecraft speedrun?
Person 2: Yeah, but have you seen how many subscribers he has?
Person 1: He's speedrunning both Minecraft and YouTube lmao.
A green homeless man that tortures two kids
Dream:*torturing Tommy and tubbo*
Child 2:*accepts death*
Dream is well known for being the owner of the Dream SMP. His irl name is Clay. He is also known as Green Crazy Man
Person 1: Hey do you watch Dream?
Dream obsessed fan: Yeah i do
blah blah blah. he does speed runs blah blah blah. has a terrible fan base of shitty children blah blah blah.
mid dream
Dream is a minecratf youtuber/speedrunner, he is part of the dream team. The other members of the team are Sapnap, GeorgeNotFound.
You may know him from the manhunt series (1 speedrunner vs 3 hunters)
"who is your favorite minecraft youtuber"
"Oh its Dream"
The fucking god of Minecraft and will sleep with your mom of you ever challenge him to manhunt
Dream used a wooden boat to jump off a mountain without taking damage