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The bad people from social

The kids in your school that say/act like they don't study but end up scoring really good grades.

"Oh look, it's the bad people from social".

by Sambhar November 19, 2022

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

national eat people day

a day where you get to eat whoever you want and when. it is the best day ever to get a juicy snack

sommer: hey whatโ€™s today?

mitra: uhhh i think itโ€™s december 5th
mitra: what? tf?

mitra: FR?

sommer: YES

mitra: you better start running, iโ€™m ready to feast on your flesh๐Ÿคค

by lollollollollolollmaolmaolmao October 15, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

bleach blonde carrot people

those oh so irritating twerps that prance around the school in the middle of winter with large parts of their body stuffed prominently into bits of clothing. They sport hair bright enough to make Monroe blind and skin that would make even the most bronze Grecian cringe.

the preppy gaggle.

by jaykitsune February 29, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

White people appreciation day

White people appreciation day is a day to thank all white men and women on February 12th.

Take this day as a reminder that white people have done many great things.

Guy 1 *did you hear itโ€™s February 12th*
Guy 2 *Yah*
Guy 1 *well itโ€™s white people appreciation day*
Guy 2 *oh yeah*
Guy 1 *well happy white people appreciation day*
Guy 2 *you too*

โ€œWhite people appreciation dayโ€ is on February 12th and is a day to thank white men and women for what they have done

by WhiteWangALang January 22, 2020

28๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

People That Piss You Off

George W. Bush. I can't believe so many fucking people voted for him. He is so full of shit.

People that piss you off.

by David555 May 26, 2006

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dumb ass white people

White dumb ass's that do stupid white people things

When a white women has a baby carrier with her dog in it and has a leash on her child. DUMB ASS WHITE PEOPLE

by Dumb ASS WHITE PEOPLE November 22, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

purple pupil people eaters

What is a purple pupil people eater:
a person too high to make a sentence and instead decides to eat a sober person, because purple pupil people eaters can.
They also can gett away with such crime because they are god.

How to spot a purple pupil people eater:
They will smell a lot like weed, or if smart will smell like strong weed and perfume mixed. Will have blood shot eyes, dyed hair, and screaming random shit at unexpecting citizens. Usually female.

How to defend yourself against purple pupil people eaters:
a purple pupil people eater will not attack people who are under the influence.
stay away from parks, swings and being alone at night.

When spotted by a purple pupil people eater:
donโ€™t look back, go home gett high and you may then be safe unless you have blue eyes.
purple pupil people eaters don't however eat old people, they taste bad.
they love to eat people with blue eyes, donโ€™t ask whyy.
How to become a purple pupil people eater:
*you have to be mad ballinโ€™
1. Make sure you donโ€™t have blue eyes.
If so, you fail.
2. Gett baked.
3. Look in a mirror make sure eyes are as red as possible
4. Say purple pupil people eater without laughing, and without mixing up your words. three times.
5. Go to nearest or biggest park possible, and yell random shit at people. Including free sex.

Why people become purple pupil people eater:
usually because they have nothing better to do. Or maybe they just are that amazing and became purple pupil people eaters. Most common reason people become purple pupil people eaters is because they like the taste of people.

*please note do not judge purple pupil people eaters, they are people too

sober person one: wow, Iโ€™m bored.
sober person two: what do you want to do?
sober person three: uhm, why not become purple pupil people eaters?
sober person one, two: YAH!
*all blaze
high person two: now what?
high person three: we should check the list!
High person one:โ€ฆ.. Uhm, lets not.
*high person one and three looks at the list
High person two: uh oh, why not?
High person three: because they cant be a purple pupil people eater!
(dun dun dun)
High person two: sorry one, but you have blue eyes. But you can sit there, and watch us?
High person one: okay!
High person three: next, we must check the mirror
*both look at blood shot eyes in mirror
high person two: now we sayโ€ฆ. purple pupil people eaters, purple pupil people eaters, purple pupil people eaters.
High person three: purple pupil people eaters, purple pupil people eaters, purple pupil people eaters. YAY! We are purple pupil people eaters!
*high person three became purple pupil people eater three and high person two became purple pupil people eater two.
purple pupil people eater three: lets go to the park!
High person one: okayy,
Purple pupil people eater two: damn, there are no people here,
purple pupil people eater three: mmmmm, I smell someone with blue eyes.
High person one: uh oh.
*ate high person one, because they he had blue eyes
purple pupil people eater two and three: mmmmmm.

by someonenumbertwo July 11, 2008

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